Timber Management
Holistic Forestry generates silviculture plans that aim to:
1) complement landowner values and lifestyles,
2) utilize sustainable timber farming methods,
3) and maintain ecosystem integrity in perpetuity.
Timber Inventory, Survey, and Planning begins with an assessment of your timber’s composition and surrounding ecology. By mapping and inventorying the timber’s spatial and temporal dynamics, we can estimate the value and volume of harvestable timber crops. A complete forest management plan (FMP) will contain management objectives and prescriptions, soil and timber assessments, and a tentative schedule for management activities.
Example Timber Inventory
Example of Avg. Stumpage Prices ($/mbf)
Data from West Virginia Prices in March 2020 - Doyle Scale
Timber Stand Enrichment will increase the value of your current timber stand through thinnings, supplemental plantings, or soil amendments, and improve the conditions for unrestricted timber growth.
Timber Sales and Appraisal begin with a discussion regarding the landowner’s timber management goals. After forest resources have been surveyed and a timber inventory created, consulting foresters perform calculations to estimate your timber species’ total volumes and market values. Individual trees are then marked to be harvested or protected. A bid form is created and sent out to prospective buyers. A timber sale contract then finalizes the details regarding the requirements for the sale. The logging process may then be overseen by a consulting forester to ensure best management practices are being performed.